

TmFO is expending its activities in the various research partner institutions, giving particular attention to promote and support  young scientists  ans students.  Several   projects are  either ongoing  or in the pipe. Check below to  know more:

TmFO   student fellows

Camille Piponiot-Laroche is strating her   PhD (duration 09/2015 - 12/2018) on the future of Amazone production forests, under the supervision of Plinio Sist and Bruno Hérault.




Andes  Hamuraby Rozak a PhD candidate from Lipi (Indonesia) will start  a FONASO-funded PhD (duration 01/2015 – 12/2017) entitled "Assessing carbon pools in South East Asian logged  forests" . He will be  supervised by  Plinio Sist (CIRAD) and   Jørgen Bo Larsen (University of  Copenhagen).

Angela Luciana de Avila is currently doing her PhD (duration 04/2012 – 09/2015 ) entitled "Post-logging dynamics of a terra firme rain forest in the Brazilian Amazon" at the Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg (Germany).

Julie   Husson (University of Montpellier II) successfully  completed her first  master internship (3 months) along which she worked on the diversity indices in logged forests. Her report is available in french  (pdf 1.6 Mo)

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